Please find here an update for the script. Besides some smaller improvements you can now return to zero by pressing RWD and FWD button at the same time.
Update 06.11.2022:
In the while Steinberg released Cubase (Pro) 12.0.50. In the first hours of use I didn’t notice any issues.
Steinberg also added some new possibilities: there is now a Push encoder that would allow me to change my self-written push encoder code with the native one. I’ll have a look at it and come back with updates.
Stay tuned.
Update 23.12.2022:
Thank to all your very appreciated feedback and improvement ideas.
I’m happy to announce that I found now a solution to implement the play / pause functionality in a proper way. The footswitch acts now in the same way like the recording button.
Pressing the stop button, when it’s already stopped, is used to jump back to the left locator position.
You will find the updated script in the download section or directly here.
Best regards
Update 01.01.2023
Please find another update with following improvements:
- Remember button setting when switching from shift to normal page
- Fixed: A few LED were not switched of when changing to shift mode
From CKB @ Steinberg Forum:
- Modification of PAN & MASTER mode for better usability (rounding of values)
- Modification of Footswitch functionality
- Switching of LEDs when leaving Cubase
You will find the updated script in the download section or directly here.
Many thanks to all my supporters in the Steinberg Forum (, the Yamaha Musicians Forum ( and on my own Website (
Special thanks to CKB @ Steinberg Forum for the additions to the footswitch functionality, the PAN/MASTER functionality and switching off LEDs when leaving Cubase.
My sincere thanks also to my supporters on
Best regards
Update 14.01.2023
Upon request of a community member in the Steinberg Forum ( here a small update: the touch button in shift mode now can be used to deactivate the motor fader functionality.
You can find the updated script as usual in the download section or directly here.
Best regards
Update 16.01.2023
Please find an updated script where the issue with the CR Master Volume and shift/normal page is fixed. Thank to CKB @ Steinberg Forum for finding a proper workaround.
You can find the updated script as usual in the download section or directly here.
Best regards
Update 16.04.2023
Please find here an editorial update for the scripts.
The new version doesn’t contain any new function but the version without LED color setting for those who have issues. Please read the instructions inside the contained pdf file.
In addition CKB @ Steinberg forum created a very comprehensive one side overview of all available mapped functions of the script! Thank you CKB for allowing me to share this document here.
Update 04.03.2024
Hello all,
I had unfortunately a very long off time due to my private move and a new professional challenge I took over in the same time. In the little free time I had last months, I was unfortunately not able to maintain and update the script. Furthermore I used the little time to practicing piano playing and finish my music room (details to follow).
In the while dust is slowly settling and the time to make music and work on music projects comes back.
Independently to all my personal topics the good news is, that CKB (Christian Oestmann) from the Steinberg Forum did an overwhelming job and brought the script and their functionality to another level. He implemented also various updates to adapt the script to Cubase 13.
Please visit Steinbergs forum and find his additions and updates there: Steinbergs forum.
best wishes
Hallo Werner,
mein Wunschtraum wäre eine Implementation der Funktionalität des innovativen AI Knob, die den Steinberg DAW-Controller CC 121 so begehrt macht und der leider nicht mehr hergestellt wird.
Der CC 121 mit Cubase verbunden ist in der Lage, einen völlig beliebigen Software-Drehknopf in Cubase, der sich unter dem Mauszeiger befindet, mit dem Poti vom CC 121 zu synchronisieren. Nach der Synchronisation kann der Mauszeiger woanders hin bewegt werden, wobei der Poti vom CC 121 weiterhin mit ursprünglich gewünschten Software-Drehknopf synchronisiert bleibt.
Ob der Poti der derzeitigen Verwendung (wie in Deinem Skript) entspricht oder der Poti die Funktionalität des AI Knobs übernimmt, müsste man natürlich ‘umschalten’ können; so ist es beim CC 121 ja auch.
Dieses in Dein Skript zu implementieren, wäre sicherlich eine große Herausforderung für Dich. Aber ich glaube, es müsste irgendwie möglich sein, da das CC 121 ja auch ‘nur’ über MIDI-Control-Change-Daten mit Cubase kommuniziert.
Eventuell bräuchte man die interne Dokumentation von Steinberg dafür oder man müsste mit einem Monitoring-Programm mal schauen, was für MIDI-Daten zwischen dem CC 121 und Cubase hin und her fließen, wenn man den AI Knob des CC 121 verwendet, wofür man (leider) einen CC 121 haben müsste.
Beste Grüße
Hallo Christian,
die AI-Knob Funktionalität ist bereits implementiert. Wenn Du den Shift Knopf drückst – dieser beginnt dann zu Blinken – kannst Du den Motorfader zum Verändern des Wertes unter dem Mauszeiger verwenden.
Zum Sperren des Wertes unter dem Mauszeiger (damit Du die Maus irgendwo anders hinbewegen kannst) drückst Du den Drehknopf.
Du kannst auch den Drehknopf anstelle des Faders verwenden; Dazu musst Du bei blinkendem Shift Knopf der Channel Knopf drücken.
Siehe auch den Abschnitt “Shift Page” im der beiliegenden PDF Datei.
The question was about how to use the Faderport like the AI Knob function on Steinbergs CC121.
The AI-Knob functionality is already implemented. If you press the Shift button – the button starts flashing – you can use the motor fader to change the value under your mouse cursor.
To lock the value under the mouse (so that you can move the mousecursor to somewhere else) you have to press the knob.
You can also use the knob instead of the fader. Just press the channel button while you in shift shift mode (flashing shift button).
Please refer also to the shift page section in the PDF file contained in the download.
Grüße / best regards
Hi Werner,
I have implemented your script in Cubase 12 Pro version 12.0.51.
It works super and i use it a lot, thank you for that.
I have 2 remarks and one question.
2 functions doens’t work and that is the shift key and the RTZ function. ( forward and rewind pushed together)
The question i have is that i use to work with a footswitch (connected to the FP2)
Unfortunately there is no knob in your surface for the footswitch.
Is it possible you can add that function? Should make musical life for me and others a lot better :-).
Thanks a million for al your good work.
Hello Peter,
There was a bug inside the RTZ implementation that blocked the functionality while being in shift mode. This is corrected now. In the new version from 23.12.2022 there is also an implementation to use the footswitch insteat of the record button.
best regards
I have just purchased the Faderport and a lot things are working, I am unable to to get the Bypass to turn off plugins. At least I think that is what is suppose to do. Please advise as to what I am missing.
Hello David,
I’m aware of this issue. Unfortunately there’s no direct interface in the Steinberg API at this moment.
I will reinvestigate this issue and may I find a alternative solution.
mohl by jsi tento script vytvořit i pro iostation 24c. Funguje i tento, akorát pokud Cubase vypnu a znovu zapnu nový projekt, Midi Remote už ho nevidí a musím znovu načíst tento script a znovu najít Midi In a Out z iostation. Nešlo by to nějak udělat, aby si ho Cubase pamatoval při každém zapnutí.
—- translation added —-
could you create this script for iostation 24c as well. This one works too, but if I turn Cubase off and start a new project again, Midi Remote doesn’t see it anymore and I have to reload this script and find Midi In and Out from iostation again. There would be no way to make it so that Cubase remembers it every time it is turned on.
Hello MIKI,
How is the exact name of the Midiport of 24c (you can see the names in Studio -> Studio Setup -> MIDI port setup)? The FaderPort is shown as „PreSonus FP2”.
Ahoj Werner,
díky za reakci.
Je zobrazen jako ioStation 24c MIDI In a ioStation 24c MIDI Out.
Je tedy nějaké řešení pro ioStation 24c??? Aby při každém spuštění nebylo potřeba znovu přihlašovat tento kontroler a Cubase si ho pamatovala jako Remote Control???
(Google Translate)
So is there any solution for ioStation 24c??? So that there is no need to re-login this controller every time it starts and Cubase remembers it as a Remote Control???
For some reason, the Marker Button will not arm on the Faderport in Cubase 12 Artist. I’ve tried everything.
-Computer shutdown
-Reinstalled the latest script
-Tried different projects to no avail
When I bring up the MIDI Remote Manager I can see the Marker Button highlight like it’s gettng the signal but the Marker Button does not highlight.
I’m sure I’ve done something, can you help?
Hello David,
Sorry to hear that! I will perform some tests and try to reproduce this.
best regards
Hello David,
On my system (Win11 x64, Cubase Pro 12.0.52 as far I know all updates installed – and the script from 16.01.) the function with the marker button ist working as expected. Are you working with Cubase 12.0.52? Is your Faderport set up to work in Studio One (native midi mode)? (Press and hold next button while powering up Faderport – afterwards press the solo button).
Best wishes
Hello Werner
Cubase Pro 12.0.52 = Yes
Script from 16.01 = Yes
Faderport set up to work in Studio One = Yes
Main page of the Faderport script:
Solo = Yes
Mute = Yes
Arm = Yes
Read/Write = Yes
Link = Yes
Pan = No
Channel – No
Scroll = No
Click – Yes
Section = No
Marker = No
Shift Page of Scrip
Link/Lock = Yes
Channel/Lock = No
Scroll/Zoom only works with Prev/Next
I have reinstalled Cubase 12 Artist and ensured the configuration of the Faderport and nothing has changed.
I’ve found a work around from some else that has had the exact same problem: It was stated “I have had the same problem for quite a long time. Both on old and new projects. I am unable to see any connection to anything. I resolve it by disabling the script and then re-enabling it.” I tried this and it works. The problem still persist as there must be something interrupting the script as it loads on Cubase startup
Hey David,
I unfortunately have no clue whats going on on your system and I’m also unable to reproduce the behaviour on my system. I wrote you an mail with the offer to make a Teams/Zoom session and have a look on your system and the behaviour.
Hello Werner,
So after going through the workaround all the projects there were having the issue now are working as normal. Once I disable/enable the script on that project I’m good. I am satisfied with the way things are working now and appreciate your offer but I think I’m good for now.
As a bonus through my research I found a simple solution for Touch Return when Automating. I may be the last to the party here but on the Automation track if you go to the end of the song and place a point at on the starting level, when you go back to the beginning of the song and do your automation lifting up on the fader allows it to return to the original level. Simple but effective.
Hi Werner,
Thank you for all that you do with this script!
I’ve been trying to find a good solution for automating effect sends and I thought that pointing the mouse over the send and using the fader in “Shift” mode would work, but it is extremely glitchy and the automated effect sends are not linear (they jump around) and are not really usable. I’m guessing this is a Cubase issue…
Would you happen to have any other way of addressing this with the fader port?
Thank you for your assistance. It is much appreciated.
Best wishes
Hi Frank,
I need to test this. I never used the function this way.
Hi Werner, thank you for the great work. I bought this device for the nice fader assuming that it could be assigned to any plugin parameter but apparently this is not the case in it default setup. You seem to have found a possibility to do this with the shift key active but I have difficulties to make it work in Cubase 12 Where should the mouse be to assign the fader to a parameter like Dynamics in the plugin?
In the Logic Control Assignment editor I saw that the Fader gets midi commands as though it is a pitch bend wheel. This might also be the reason for the bumpy behavior if you try to write a smooth automation curve for anything other than volume.
Hello Werner, thanks so much for this!
I downloaded your newest script (20230207 presonus faderport test) for my faderport v2 to use within my Cubase 9 Pro, but am trying to figure out where/what file path to put the new java script… The directions say to put it at C:\Users\Username\Documents\Steinberg\Cubase\MIDI Remote\Driver Scripts\Local\PreSonus\FaderPort , but there are no “Midi remote” or “driver scripts” folders in my system along that path… Can I just make new folders there and that will work?
Alternatively, there is also no “MIDI Remote Manger” in my Cubase 9, nor an “add surface” button within the “Midi device manager” that IS available. Although there is “install device” and “open device” buttons.
Sorry for my naivety as I’m clearly new to these processes!
Thanks a ton, all the best!
Hello Kyle,
I have to disappoint you unfortunately. The MIDI Remote API and possibilities were introduced in Cubase 12. This means, that the script will work only with Cubase 12.
best regards
You are a SAINT! Seriously, THANK YOU!
Thank you!
best regards
Hello Werner,
Thank you soo much! I installed the latest test-script (PreSonus FaderPortv2 version 3.51) in Cubase 12.0.60 on win11.
Everything seems to work fine as far as I can say after one day…
One question: The Recording button doesn´t behave like the Num* on the keyboard if I put the recording-mode to “start recording on left locator” . The faderport-button starts recording immediatly (or at the preroll-postion), the Num* starts recording where it should.
Did I do something wrong? Can that behaviour be adjusted/choosen at the faderport?
Again: Thank You
Hello Volker,
Thank you for your appreciation.
I tested the script now with various settings and I cannot reproduce your described behaviour. Either we use different settings or on your Cubase system something is changed (changed key assaignments?).
Have you carried over some settings over various Cubase versions/updates?
best wishes
Hello Werner
Thank you very much for the script for FaderPort 2.
I would be interested to know where to copy the file “PreSonus_FaderPort.midiremote” under Windows 10 and what the file “Presonus_FaderPort_Without_Colors.js” is all about.
Thank you for your help.
Cubase 12 offers two ways of using user scripts:
Both files have same functionality. I decided to publish the source code, too, so that every user has the possibility to change the script to his needs.
This files removes the color setting of some buttons. The color setting caused issues on some systems. Please refer the pdf file for some additional info.
Hola brother! en primer lugar, gracias por lo que haces!
en segundo lugar, tengo un problema, he instalado el ultimo script en el cubase 12 pro, 12.0.60 y todo bien, pero cuando selecciono el track y muevo el fader automaticamente el seleccionador del track se va para la primer track, no entiendo que sucede
(Google Translator)
Hello Brother! first of all, thanks for what you do!
Secondly, I have a problem, I have installed the latest script in Cubase 12 pro, 12.0.60 and everything is fine, but when I select the track and move the fader automatically, the track selector goes to the first track, I don’t understand what happens
I observed this behavior, when you are still in MCU mode of the Prosonus FaderPort. You need to switch the FaderPort into Studio One / Generic Midi mode. Please refer the pdf files contained in the zip file for details.
I’ve been thinking about a controller for a long time but the fact that none had a 100% Cubase/Nuendo connection made me wonder.
Seeing such favorable responses about this faderport script I decided to buy it.
I want to thank you and all the contributors who have tried and given feedback on this script.
As far as I’ve tested, everything works as expected with ioStation24c. It is perfect.
Your work deserves 5 coffees
Thank you! 🙂
Hey WEM !
Thanks you very much for this update and all the work you do for the audio community.
First I thought in returning the unit but now I think is much better so I’ll keep it. Tomorrow starts mixing a record so let’s see!
I already made my changes and it’s great to having so handy tools as key commands assigned to the faderport.
Bye my friend!
Hello Werner,
Please help me…what am I doing wrong?
The Problems are:
1. When Faderport 1(vs 3.74) is “on” and I’m starting the Cubase (12.0.60 / win11) it stops loading when “Mackie Control” shows in the window. I turn the Faderport to “off” and the loading continues.
2. When I – for instance – duplicate a channel the system “feezes”, I have to turn Faderport to “off” and then the channel shows up. The same behaviour when adding an FX-channel or a group-channel.
3. Still (as described in my post from the 15.April) the Recording-Button does not behave like the “x” on the keyboard. It starts the recording immidiatly and not at the “In-Point”, when I´m using pre-roll
I guess there is something that I did wrong, but it’s not that I forgot to put the fp-setup “Studio-One”…I did that!
I’m using your scrpt from 16.01.2023 because any newer script seems to make it more unstable…
I’m a little desperate because your script (and propably christines also) are SO GREAT !
Maybe it’s just a little installation-fault that I made.
Is there any describition “for dummies”?
My system is very new and fast and only runs for cubase12 pro (which itself runs without any problems).
Good luck with your moving and thank you very much.
Of course, i can wait…there no pressure in this 😉
Hello Volker,
as of now I unfortunately have no clue what is going wrong on your system. As soon I’ve build up again my studio gear I’ll try to reproduce the behaviour. Maybe we can make also a teams session, so that I can look at your system and settings. It will be unfortunately earliest end of August.
Thx for your appreciation and whishes.
best regards
Hi Werner
Have you developed any MIDI remote script for Faderport 8?
Unfortunately not yet.
best regards
Hallo Werner,
das Skript ist zwischenzeitlich enorm gewachsen. Der Funktions- und der Codeumfang haben sich verdoppelt.
Wenn Du Zeit hast, schau doch mal wieder rein ins Steinberg Cubase Forum. 🙂
Dein Studio-Raum sieht super aus!
Beste Grüße
(Christian und Christine)
Hello WEM!
I’m trying to narrow down if my version of Cubase is the sole cause of some unexpected behavior.
I used the Channel button to use the knob to scroll through channels, but noticed the Channel button is not lighting up or behaving as expected.
I tried downloading the most recent script and adding it again, Update 16.04.2023 (FaderPort is in Studio One mode), but the same behavior persists.
The Pan, Channel, Scroll, Master, Section, and Marker buttons do not light up or behave as expected when pressed, while ‘Link’, and ‘Click’ still do.
Is there enough reason to think that my version of Cubase is the cause of the issue or should a script tested on V12.0.60 still work? It only came up recently and the newest release from Cubase was in June this year, so that makes me think that I had been using Cubase 12 pro V12.0.70, but it is still possible that the version wasn’t installed on my computer until recently as well.
I have a similar problem as Zackary. I’m using Cubase Artist 13. I’ve created a blank template to start new projects and the faderport works perfectly in it. but when I change to another project The Pan, Channel, Scroll, Master, Section, and Marker buttons do not light up or respond when pressed, while ‘Link’, and ‘Click’ still do. I’m using your latest script. I was having the same problem in Cubase Artist 12.
Turning FaderPort on and off doesn’t help. Am I missing something about setting your script up? I love what you’ve done improving the faderport but not being able to you the pan control ready is a bummer and slows my workflow.
Thx in advance for any help you can provide
I’m having the same problem in Cubase Pro 13. Seems to work in simple projects but not in large projects.
Can this script also be imported in Mac versions of Cubase?
All the best
Hi Werner!
Hast du Pläne, ein Skript für den 8er port zu machen?
Das Teil ist wundervoll, aber es ist so schade, dass viele Knöpfe keine Funktion haben und es nervt total, dass beim scrollen nicht die auswahl der spur am screen mitverschoben wird.
Ein script wäre hier eine absolute Wohltat.
Bzw. falls du keine Zeit hast, kann man sich in cubase was selbst scripten und wie?
Musikalische Grüße und vielen Dank
Hi Werner!
So I have seen how great your work on the faderport 2 was, it seems sooo excellent.
I have a port 8 and I have loaded the port 2 script and man, just the ability to scroll the selected track itself… But sadly the other faders wont really work as desired with the small script.
So I wonder, if you have any plans to work on a faderport 8 script. It seems like a lot of work, but man, the port 8 has just soooo much untapped potential, it is a genius controller but it just absolutely baffles me of how much untapped potential it leaves on the ground w cubase.
I tried to build me a script within cubase midi remote but with all the second an third layers for editing plugins, sends etc, I just cant dont understand this enough, it needs a pro just like you and it would be a god send.
I kinda don’t understand why presonus didnt bother w other daws because the hardware is just ahead of the competition.
Anyway, hoping to encourage you for the grind.
Ganz liebe Grüße aus Österreich